Antioch Baptist Church, Culpeper   "The Church Where Christ is Alive"
Antioch Baptist Church, Culpeper   "The Church Where Christ is Alive"

Senior Ministry

The Senior Ministry's purpose to is to focus on nurturing the needs and gifts of the senior citizen population within the church.  Primarily, they meet to pray together, fellowship, and stay active in the ministry of Christ.  One goal is to stay relevant in bringing forth issues that directly impact the senior citizen population. The Senior Ministry engages in activities such as prayer meetings, community outings, and and event planning to support the church's projects.  Meetings are scheduled for the fourth Tuesday of each month at 10:00 am. 



2019 Senior Ministry Holiday Basket                                       Delivery

Honoring Sister Ruth Meney

Sister Ruth Meney was honored in February 2016 for her many years of service in leadership and hard work as the Church Treasurer. 

Senior Ministry Visiting Deacon Shakespeare Bland in Charlottesville, VA on         November 17, 2015

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